UPDIF 2017

UpDog Challenge
Wed Apr, 5 2017 9:00 AM to Sun Apr, 9 2017 5:00 PM
Purina Farms
200 Checkerboard Loop
63039 Gray Summit , MO

9:00am to 5:00pm. The 2nd Annual UpDog International Finals moves to Purina Farms in St Louis, MO. Teams, consisting of one dog and one human, will compete to set the top scores in a variety of games. All games involve throwing a frisbee, a few include agility obstacles.
Pre-Registration was REQUIRED in order to compete in the Finals event, and closed February 12th. If you did not pre-register, you will not be eligible to compete in UpDif.
Final registration will open February 26th and close March 12th - this will also be when you can register for LCQ events.
For all the details visit the event page.